Before Dental Appointments
Dental office staff will call patients and ask questions about their current health status. They may repeat these questions when patients arrive to make sure nothing has changed.
Patients may have their temperature taken before any procedure.
Patients will be asked to bring and wear a mask upon arrival at the dental office.
Patients will be asked to limit the number of people they bring to the appointment. That could mean leaving children at home under proper supervision, or allowing older children who need dental care to go into the office alone while their parent waits outside during their appointment.
During Dental Appointments
Patients may be asked to wait outside until the dental team is ready to see them to reduce the number of people in the office, and the time patients are around other people.
Inside the office, many things that people often touch, such as toys or magazines, have been removed.
The office has hand sanitizer available for patient use.
Dental staff wipe down items patients touch, such as pens, clipboards, or furniture.
The computer keyboard in the dental operatory has a disposable cover to be easily cleaned between patients.
The dentist and team members use various protective equipment such as level 3/n-95 surgical masks, face shields or goggles, and gowns.
The office also has several Hepa-level air purifiers running throughout the office to capture and minimize airborne particles.

After Dental Appointments
Staff will thoroughly clean the areas where patients have been, using disinfectants that are effective against the virus that causes COVID-19.